As the sun sets, it looks redder as it gets closer to the horizon.but why??😕
If you saw sunset on the moon then the sun would look white .there is no change in the color.
But, unlike the moon, Earth does have an atmosphere. And we know that the sunlight is a combination of seven different colors.tiny molecules present in the atmosphere are responsible for scattering of the sun light.
Think about what happens as the sun sinks lower in the sky. Its light has to travel more and more through the atmosphere before reaching your eyes, simply because there’s more atmosphere in the direction toward the horizon than overhead.
Sunlight encounters more air molecules when the sun is low in the sky than when the sun is overhead.even more blue light scattered away , leaving mostly the reddish component of white sunlight to travel the straighter path to your eyes. So the sun looks red.
जैसे ही सूरज डूबता है, यह लाल दिखता है क्योंकि यह क्षितिज के करीब हो जाता है। लेकिन क्यों ??
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